Profile of the artist Ernest Zacharevic

The website contains a total of 2 artworks of Ernest Zacharevic in 1 countries.
This profile has been viewed 1 times.
Ernest Zacharevic's artworks have been viewed 1 times.

Ernest "ZACH" Zacharevic is an artist born in Lithuania who seamlessly blends fine art techniques with a profound passion for creating art in the great outdoors. At the core of Ernest's artistic approach is a relentless spirit of experimentation, with the only constant being his unwavering commitment to ever-evolving concepts. Guided by his creative ideas, he defies the constraints of artistic boundaries, fluidly navigating various disciplines, from oil painting to stenciling, spray painting, installation, and sculpture. This versatility allows him to produce dynamic compositions that transcend the traditional confines of gallery spaces.

Ernest's primary fascination lies in the intricate interplay between art and the urban landscape. His concepts often take shape as spontaneous responses to the immediate environment, the local community, and the prevailing culture.