Profile of the artist David Lee Pereira

The website contains a total of 1 artworks of David Lee Pereira in 1 countries.
This profile has been viewed 1 times.
David Lee Pereira's artworks have been viewed 1 times.

David Lee Pereira is an active visual artist whose body of work encompasses paintings, illustrations, large-scale murals, and public installations. His artistic exploration delves into the fluid realms of gender, sexuality, and identity, navigating these complex themes through the recurrent lenses of dysphoria and interpersonal relationships. Pereira draws inspiration from the works of impressionist and surrealist masters such as Georgia O'Keefe, Dali, and Munch. Additionally, he pays homage to baroque ikebana and Dutch still life traditions.

Pereira's floral expressions traverse a spectrum from beautifully brutal to joyous and intimate, each canvas overflowing with rich symbolism and narrative. His art weaves a tapestry that reflects the intricacies of the human experience, inviting viewers to contemplate the nuanced interplay of identity, relationships, and the ever-changing landscapes of gender and sexuality.