Profile of the artist James Cochran (Jimmy C)

The website contains a total of 1 artworks of James Cochran (Jimmy C) in 1 countries.
This profile has been viewed 1 times.
James Cochran (Jimmy C)'s artworks have been viewed 1 times.

James Cochran, also known as Jimmy C, was born in England and spent his formative years in Australia. His artistic journey began as a pivotal force in the burgeoning graffiti subculture during the early 1990s. Following extensive involvement in mural commissions and community art initiatives, he pursued a Master's degree in Visual Arts at the University of South Australia, focusing on urban realism and figurative oil painting.

It was at this intersection of his interest in graffiti and oil painting that Cochran's distinctive aerosol pointillist style emerged. His works, be they portraits or urban landscapes, are meticulously created from a mosaic of spray-painted dots and dashes. This innovative technique evolved into what he aptly termed 'drip paintings' and 'scribble paintings,' characterized by layers of vibrant drips and energetic lines that coalesce to form evocative and poetic cityscapes and portraits.

Currently residing in London, Cochran's artistic footprint extends across the globe, adorning canvases and walls in cities far and wide.