Profile of the artist Sidney Waerts (SIT)

The website contains a total of 1 artworks of Sidney Waerts (SIT) in 1 countries.
This profile has been viewed 1 times.
Sidney Waerts (SIT)'s artworks have been viewed 1 times.

For over 15 years, Sidney worked in the advertising industry. He worked as a designer and art director for the agencies he worked for. He also worked as a freelance illustrator for other clients such as magazines, clubs and other agencies.

In 2007, Sidney decided to dedicate himself entirely to his paintings. He had to let go of his advertising career. He started to work on his painting for a whole year. In 2008 he had his first solo exhibition. After this success, he had a number of international collaborations with galleries for the representation of his paintings and sculptures. In between exhibitions, Sid has been in demand for mural projects in restaurants, clubs and bars, social painting projects and many other things. It is a great motivation for him to work on different things. He feels it's the freedom he needs to stay open-minded instead of pigeonholing himself. Diversity keeps him inspired and keeps him learning.

Sidney has also been working for Favela Painting as a team leader and designer since 2016. This is an organization that sets up painting projects to change the social environment of poor communities on an international scale. Sidney finds the right balance between isolating himself in the studio and being socially active to keep himself grounded by working with people from different communities, running workshops and painting murals.